Port state Control inspections in the Paris MoU
Port state Control inspections are based on the regulations contained in the Conventions from the IMO and ILO.
Instructions and circulars guide the PSC Officers during the inspections in the Paris MoU region. Several of the procedures are published, you can find them here.
Additionally, the Paris MoU uses a risk-based system to select ships for inspections (ship risk profile).
The tabs on the right-hand side provide you with more detailed information on:
- The Memorandum (Memorandum)
- The Ship Risk Profile (Ship Risk Profile)
- The selection of ships for inspection, (selection scheme)
- The inspection process, (types of inspection)
- The recording of inspection reports (inspection results)
- The banning of ships (Banning)
- The concentrated inspection campaigns (CIC’S)
All the above processes, and administrative procedures, are laid down in the Paris MoU Memorandum text (Memorandum).